5 Tips for Protecting Your Lips from The Sun
May 19, 2022

When most people think about their oral health, their teeth and gums are the first things to come to mind. However, oral health constitutes your whole mouth—including your lips! This means that serious problems can develop if you neglect to protect and take care of your lips in addition to the rest of your mouth. Here are some tips from your dentist in Owings Mills to help you protect your lips from the sun.
(more…)I Chipped My Tooth: What Should I Do?
May 4, 2022

It’s movie night, and you’re comfortably plopped on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn resting in your lap. As you’re enjoying your favorite snack, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your mouth—a pesky, un-popped kernel has chipped one of your teeth! Something like this has never happened to you before, and you have no idea what to do. But there’s no reason to panic. Continue reading to learn more about what steps you should take prior to seeking treatment for this issue to help ensure that your smile isn’t in jeopardy.