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Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Help You Live Longer: Here’s How

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 7:38 am
a woman snoring while asleep

When most people hear the term “sleep apnea,” one of the first things that come to mind is the thought of missing out on precious sleep. And rightfully so; the condition robs millions of patients of rest on a nightly basis. But did you know that this condition can also pose quite a serious threat if left untreated? In fact, it can ultimately influence one’s lifespan due to the severe complications it’s been known to cause. Here’s more from your sleep dentist about the condition and its link with your overall life expectancy.

Sleep Apnea’s Impact on Life Expectancy

Obstructive sleep apnea, the most common iteration of the condition, occurs when your airway becomes partially or fully blocked during sleep, and these episodes are often characterized by loud snoring and lead to daytime fatigue, among other symptoms. When it happens, your body must work harder than normal to keep your airway open. Needless to say, this can radically affect your ability to stay asleep, since you need to repeatedly wake up to restore your normal breathing pattern.

This can happen frequently throughout the night, and this sleep disruption is pretty problematic. It causes fluctuations in your oxygen levels and over time, it can take a severe toll on your health! Even just a few nights without sufficient sleep can begin to severely impact your day-to-day life, and you’ll experience side effects like low energy, lack of motivation, and debilitating fatigue.

However, some serious conditions that have the potential to arise due to sleep apnea include things like diabetes, hypertension (increased blood pressure), heart disease, liver complications, metabolic symptoms, and obesity. All of these conditions on their own can decrease life expectancy, meaning it’s crucial to seek treatment if you’re experiencing sleep apnea symptoms!

Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Help

With a little knowledge about the condition and a proper diagnosis, treatment is a very realistic and accessible possibility. If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you’re actually eligible for various types of treatment that are all capable of effectively managing the associated symptoms, thus restoring the quality of your sleep, and mitigating potentially deadly issues! One of the most common solutions that people turn toward is a CPAP machine, which utilizes a nasal mask worn during sleep that keeps the patient’s airway open and unblocked. Oral appliance therapy is also a viable option, as it is also helpful in keeping the jaw open during sleep.

About the Author

Dr. Jacob Milner received his DDS from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and has proudly served patients and families in Owings Mills for several years now. His practice is thrilled to offer a wide variety of services including sleep apnea therapy for those who suffer and have been diagnosed with the condition. If you have any questions about the blog or are ready to schedule a visit, feel free to contact Dr. Milner through his website or by phone: (410) 902-4110.

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