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5 Helpful Tips to Make Good Oral Hygiene a Daily Habit

January 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 1:57 pm

Dentists generally recommend brushing twice a day and flossing daily. However, statistics show that over 30% of Americans brush less than they should, and as many as 20% don’t floss at all. Are you having trouble turning good oral hygiene into an everyday habit? If so, you could be at a higher than necessary risk for cavities and gum disease. To help you protect your smile, here are 5 tips to ensure that you’re brushing and flossing every day.


5 Resolutions for a Healthier Smile in 2023

January 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 2:57 pm
“2023” on a white surface surrounded by lights

What kind of care are you giving your smile? Even if you’re brushing twice a day and visiting your dentist every six months, chances are there’s still room for improvement. Since the New Year has just started, now is a great time to start finding ways to take better care of your teeth and gums. Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions that your dentist might suggest for maintaining excellent oral health in 2023.


Are Toothpicks Bad for Your Teeth?

December 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 1:17 am

Cup full of toothpicksMany homes across America have toothpicks. While they are marketed for cleaning your teeth, your dentist might suggest leaving them for checking when a cake is ready to come out of the oven. Although they can pick objects from between your teeth, they can do more harm than good. You could end up needing an emergency dentist if you aren’t careful. Here’s what you should know about the risks of toothpicks, and some better alternatives for your consideration.


How To: Stay On-Track with Invisalign During the Holidays

December 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 9:50 pm
Couple smiling while holiday shopping at the mall

The most wonderful time of the year is here! Whether you are planning on traveling out of town this holiday season or hosting at home, it’s important to prioritize your Invisalign treatment. After all, you don’t want to start 2023 by falling off-track! The good news is that, with the right best practices in place, you can enjoy all of the seasonal festivities and effectively straighten your teeth. To learn a few helpful tips on navigating Invisalign during the holidays, read on.


5 Tips for Surviving Cold & Flu Season with Invisalign

November 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 8:42 pm
woman blowing nose cold and flu season in Owings Mills

Have you noticed it getting chillier outside? If you’ve started experiencing a runny nose or a cough, then you know cold and flu season has arrived. While these symptoms can easily be remedied with some well-deserved rest, you don’t want to let the situation interfere with your Invisalign treatment. Keep reading to learn five tips on how to stay on track with your orthodontic process during this time of year!


Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe & What Should I Expect?

November 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 7:51 pm
man smiling about cosmetic dentistry being safe in Owings Mills

Do you tend to cover your teeth whenever you smile? Are you struggling with one or more dental flaws that you want to correct? If so, then you might be considering undergoing cosmetic dentistry. With these treatments, you’ll be able to achieve your dream smile relatively quickly and effectively improve your quality of life. But is cosmetic dentistry safe for your teeth? Read on to learn what you should expect from these dental procedures and why they’re completely reliable!


How Sleep Apnea Contributes to Gum Disease

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 8:32 pm
A patient trying to sleep while suffering from sleep apnea in Owings Mills

Every night, millions of patients miss out on countless hours of sleep because of sleep apnea—but your rest isn’t the only thing at stake if you suffer from this condition! If left untreated, sleep apnea can contribute to many other problems, including some that impact your oral health. One such issue is gum disease, which can spell bad news for your smile if it’s allowed to progress. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about the link between sleep apnea and gum disease in Owings Mills along with some tips you can employ to improve the quality of your sleep while safeguarding your smile.


What Does It Mean If My Toothache Suddenly Disappears?

October 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 7:04 pm
A woman suffering from a toothache in Owings Mills

The world can come to a screeching halt when you’re suffering from a toothache! But tooth pain isn’t just debilitating and uncomfortable; it’s confusing! Sometimes the cause is obvious, like a damaged or decayed tooth, and other times, it takes a little detective work to get to the root of the issue. But have you ever had a toothache that just seemed to vanish for no apparent reason? Even though this might seem like a cause for celebration, it isn’t! Here’s more from your dentist about why toothaches in Owings Mills can occur and what it means the pain suddenly disappears.


What to Do If You Have Something Stuck Between Your Teeth

September 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 1:32 am
closeup of woman flossing

Everyone has had something stuck in between their teeth at some point in time. In many cases, these random pieces of food or other debris can be easily by gently pulling on them. However, there are some occasions where it seems like the object won’t budge no matter what you do. What should you do in such a situation? Before you panic, here are a few tips for handling the situation.


Is Sleep Apnea Genetic?

September 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 1:06 am
man with sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that affects millions of Americans every year. It causes you to repeatedly stop breathing while they sleep. Not only does it negatively impact your quality of rest, but it can increase the risk of other health problems (i.e., heart attack or stroke). Because of that, many people are curious about whether or not genetics can increase your risk. In this blog post, you’ll learn what you need to know about if sleep apnea can be hereditary.

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