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Dolfield Dental of Owings Mills Blog

The Role of Vitamin D in Dental Implant Success

August 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 7:34 am
Vitamin D in Owings Mills

If you’ve just gotten dental implants, your dentist may have said they’re likely to work. After all, implant placement has a staggering success rate of 95 percent! Still, you may want to improve your odds even further. In that case, you’d be wise to get plenty of vitamin D. This micronutrient can make your recovery smoother and your replacement teeth more successful in the long term. To learn more, here’s a summary of how implants benefit from vitamin D by your Owings Mills dentist.


How to Meet Your 22-Hour Invisalign Wear Time

July 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 9:41 am
Young girl holding Invisalign tray

If you’re doing an Invisalign treatment, you’re probably eager to finish it up. The sooner you do, the sooner you can experience a straight and beautiful smile! Reaching that point, though, will require you to wear your trays for the recommended 22 hours a day. Do you think you can meet that challenge? Depending on your situation, it may sound unrealistic. Fortunately, you can do it with the right tools and methods. To learn more, here’s a summary of why and how to meet your Invisalign wear time by Owings Mills dentists.


Why Would Poor Oral Hygiene Affect My Metabolism?

July 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 8:07 pm
A metaphorical metabolism clock

For most people, poor oral health is bad enough on its own. After all, it can eventually take the form of cavities, dental abscesses, gum disease, and worse. However, did you know unhealthy teeth and gums can also hurt your metabolism? If that happens, you’re likely to develop some severe problems. To learn more, here’s a summary of the relationship between oral health and metabolism by Owings Mills dentists.


Seasonal Allergies and Dental Health

June 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 5:45 pm
person suffering from seasonal allergies blowing nose

During the warmer spring and summer months, many people suffer from seasonal allergies. From a runny nose to congestion to itchy, watery eyes, there are several symptoms that come with this condition. These problems are frustrating enough on their own, but they can unfortunately also have a negative impact on your dental health. Read on to learn about the link between seasonal allergies and dental health as well as what you can do to keep your smile healthy during this time of the year.


Fitness and Oral Health: 5 Smile Protection Tips

June 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 4:07 pm
person smiling while working out

Exercising offers a range of health benefits to one’s body. It can help you maintain a healthy body weight, get better sleep, relieve depression, and more. Though exercising is an excellent way to improve your overall health, doing it incorrectly can have a negative impact on your smile. Read on to learn more about how fitness and oral health are connected as well as five ways to protect your smile.


5 Tips for Protecting Your Lips from The Sun

May 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 8:48 pm
Woman smiling and wearing a sun hat to shade her lips.

When most people think about their oral health, their teeth and gums are the first things to come to mind. However, oral health constitutes your whole mouth—including your lips! This means that serious problems can develop if you neglect to protect and take care of your lips in addition to the rest of your mouth. Here are some tips from your dentist in Owings Mills to help you protect your lips from the sun.


I Chipped My Tooth: What Should I Do?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 8:03 pm
Image of a chipped tooth.

It’s movie night, and you’re comfortably plopped on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn resting in your lap. As you’re enjoying your favorite snack, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your mouth—a pesky, un-popped kernel has chipped one of your teeth! Something like this has never happened to you before, and you have no idea what to do. But there’s no reason to panic. Continue reading to learn more about what steps you should take prior to seeking treatment for this issue to help ensure that your smile isn’t in jeopardy.


Can Sleeping with Pets Impact Your Sleep Apnea?

April 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 5:26 pm
Woman sleeping with dog in bed.

People love their pets; almost 65% of American households own a pet, with cats and dogs being the most common companions. While there are numerous studies that show just how beneficial owning a pet can be, did you know that there are also some potential health concerns? Keep reading to learn more about how sleeping with your pets might be impacting your sleep apnea and the quality of your nightly rest.


How Exercise Keeps Your Mouth Healthy

April 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 3:54 pm
Women smiling while exercising.

Finding time to exercise isn’t always easy; with busy lives and hectic schedules, it’s sometimes tricky to fit a trip to the gym into our daily routine. But working out has many benefits—including some you probably aren’t aware of. In addition to helping you lose weight or gain muscle strength, regular exercise can also protect your mouth from periodontal disease! Keep reading to learn about how exercise can keep your smile healthy.


Can I Drink Coffee with Invisalign?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 7:14 am
Three women drinking coffee and smiling

There is nothing quite like a hot cup of coffee to help you start your day. After the first few sips, the sun seems to shine brighter and the birds chirp louder. However, if you’re going to straighten your teeth with Invisalign in Owings Mills, will you need to give up your morning cup of joe? Keep reading to discover how coffee can affect clear braces and learn some tips for enjoying coffee during your Invisalign treatment.

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